Anime Round-up 2

Hey all! It’s been a while since I’ve talked about what Anime I’ve been watching, so I figured it was time for another installment of my Anime Round-Up. This new kick of watching anime has continued more or less unabated since I discovered the joys of Crunchy Roll. Kill la Kill has long since finished, having concluded with a very satisfying ending. The whole series is very over the top, and as I mentioned before the copious amounts of nudity in the show (even though it is non-sexual and non-graphic) will be a definite turn-off for many.

Shingeki no Kyojin manga volume 1.jpgWith that show over, I started looking for others. the first one I came across is Attack on Titan, which is one of the year’s most popular shows, it seems. I got through about the first 6 episodes or so of it, and

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