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Tag Archives: Twins
2017 Trip to Strasburg
This past weekend, Gwen and I took the twins up to Strasburg, PA for a weekend getaway, accompanied by both my Mom and Dad and Gwen
Return to “Normal”
Or, at least what passes for “normal” around here, anyway! It’s hard to believe that it has been over two weeks since Gwen, the boys, and I got back from our vacation in Indiana.
What month is it again?!
Yikes! I can’t believe it is the 31st of July already! Given that my informal goal is to update this blog at least once per calendar month, this is getting in under the wire. Sooo..it has been very busy around … Continue reading
Posted in Miniature Wargaming, Status Update
Tagged Gencon, Man Battlestations, Road Trip, Twins
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Settling in…Finally!
Hello again! It’s been WAY too long since my last update. I have a decent excuse this time, though. A LOT has been going on. I’m probably going to wind up leaving something out in my discussion below, but I … Continue reading
Posted in Dystopian Wars, Miniature Wargaming, Navy, Status Update, Video Games
Tagged Dystopian Wars, Fallout, Man Battlestations, moving, Twins, Video Games, Woodbridge
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All Aboard for House Hunting!
Gwen, William, James, and I are down in Virgina this weekend looking for our next place to live. We took the train down on Thursday, which was the first train ride for the twins. Gotta start them early! In all … Continue reading
Winds of Change
A lot has happened over the last week! My Mom, Dad, and Sarah all came out to visit Gwen, me, and the boys (well, okay, they mostly came out to see the boys!). We had a lot of fun just … Continue reading
Busy Busy!
Hello everyone! I apologize for the lack of updates recently. As
Two Weeks and Counting…
Happy 4th of July! William and James are now two weeks old. They are both continuing to do really well. They are still at Wentworth-Douglas hospital in Dover, NH. Gwen and I have been spending most nights with them, to … Continue reading
One Week Old!
It’s hard to believe, but William and James are a week old already! And what a whirlwind week it as been, too. The boys were safely transferred to Wentworth-Douglas hospital in Dover, NH on Thursday, which is a MUCH easier … Continue reading
Twins Update
Hello everyone! The last few days have been hectic, but overall things have been going very well for William and James. James came off of his CPAP machine on Monday, and has stayed off of it since. They have both … Continue reading