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Tag Archives: Star Wars
2015 Gaming Summary & 2016 Forecast
I’m a few weeks late on this one, but I wanted to take a moment to round up my gaming activity from 2015. Lets get started! Miniature Gaming For miniatures, I played a total of 15 games. These games included … Continue reading
The Inevetiable Episode VII Post
It’s probably past due for me to write this, given that I watched the movie weeks ago, and its been out for nearly a month already! Still, better late than never. Oh, and it should be obvious, but if you … Continue reading
May the Fourth Be With You!
Happy Star Wars Day! This year, I am on leave for the 4th, so I decided to celebrate in the traditional way by watching all 6 Star Wars movies in sequence. I’ve opted for a straight numerical order, rather than … Continue reading