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Tag Archives: Warhammer 40k
Gaming Retrospective: The Wild West Shootout
The year 2012 was very memorable for me. My wife and I moved twice that year, and I went through one of the more challenging phases of my career as I prepared to assume the duties of a submarine department … Continue reading
Checking in!
So, after another extended sojourn into the undersea domain, I have returned once more. A lot has happened since the last time I’ve updated the site! For me and Gwen, we had
Catching Up
Happy belated New Year! It has been far too long since I’ve made a new post. This time, though, I can at least attribute the gap between posts to something other than laziness. I’ve been very busy with my new … Continue reading
Posted in Gaming, Status Update
Tagged 40k, Dystopian Wars, War at Sea, Warhammer 40k
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For The Record
So, as Gwen is fond of reminding me, I play a lot of games. Probably more than is strictly healthy, for my mind or my pocket book! So, I thought it might be a good idea to take a moment … Continue reading
Posted in Battlefleet Gothic, Dystopian Wars, Miniature Wargaming, War at Sea, Warhammer 40k
Tagged 40k, Dystopian Wars, War at Sea, Warhammer 40k
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Gwen and I just got back from spending the weekend at Adepticon 2012, and it was a total blast! I got a chance to play in the Warhammer 40k team championships, where I was a part of a 4-person team … Continue reading